Sunday, April 13, 2008


Lately I've had this urge to garden. I have a nice little plot in my backyard that gets the perfect amount of sun during the day, and apparently the soil is pretty kick-ass. Never mind that I have absolutely NO IDEA HOW TO GARDEN.

Now flashback to TV: remember the show "Mama's Family?" I thought it was ridiculous, but I still liked watching it - it was a guilty pleasure. Anyhow, I very distinctly remember this one episode when "Mama" got a little nutso ordering things from the Home Shopping Network and other infomercials, and her entire living room was filled with shit she ordered. Then she realized she was going broke and had to send stuff back.

Now fast forwarding to present day TV: as you may recall, I wrote an entry about the Aerogarden that I purchased after seeing an informercial on TV. And I have to tell you, my Aerogarden seriously does rock. I've got tasty fresh herbs any time I need them. But the bad thing is that now I'm feeling like I'm getting hooked on two things: 1) growing fresh herbs and produce(good) and 2) buying stuff I see on TV (bad).

Today I saw a new product: the Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter! And you KNOW I'm buying this thing! I already have a plan: two planter stakes on each end of my garden with the two tomato planters, leaving the rest of my garden space for everything else. It grows 30 lbs of tomatoes on each planter....that's NUTS. EVERYONE GETS TOMATOES THIS SUMMER!

Do you see? I have a problem. I'm turning into Mama and I'm going to need an intervention. But not until after I get my Topsy Turvy on, ok?

Posted by Taunia @ 1:46 PM

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Soon we'll all be marveling, "My, Taunia, how did your tomatoes grow so BIG?!"

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 10:35 AM #

i think the "mutual admiration society" aka divas living out loud - needs to adopt the phrase "get your topsy turvy on!".....i see some custom printed t-shirts and gigunda gilligan's island stylee tomatoes in our futures!

Posted by Blogger susan karim @ 3:15 PM #

Let's hope you are better at growing things than me. I killed a 15 year-old cactus once. Boy was my mom MAD.


Posted by Blogger TulaBean @ 2:36 PM #

hey, by the by - i grew cherry tomatoes this way last summer and they flourished....i used a bag planter kit i bought thru one of those school fund drives....it was super easy and we had fresh cherry tomatoes into the fall!
.....that topsy turvy tomato planter looks like it might have my name on it as well!

Posted by Blogger susan karim @ 7:18 AM #
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