Thursday, April 17, 2008
I was reading an article about last night's debate, and saw this (which I loved) in the comment section:
Also, can someone PLEASE explain to me why Clinton's patriotism is not being called into question? Where's her flag? Apparently, if you're white and have a "white" name, you get a free pass.
Last night's "debate" was ridiculously biased, and it disgusted me. Let's hope the voters of PA felt the same way and vote for change.
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*jumping up and down and clapping* I totally agree. She's run such a dirty campaign, dogging Barrack every step of the way. This is why, when women ask me why I'm not voting for her, I say "I would love to have a woman for president, provided she's the best candidate." Hilary, lord love her, is not. She's too corporate for me; I don't want another president who cow-tows to the all-mighty dollar. I want a president who will be with us in the trenches on the rebuilding that MUST occur if we are ever to rebuild our glorious nation.
Barrack makes me feel as though who I am, what I say & what I can bring to the table MATTER. There's no better motivator for cooperation & progress than an entire nation of folks who believe that: "Yes we can!"
I am on the fence, and didn't even know you were supposed to HAVE a dang flag.
I'm tired of anybody kowtowing to church, guns, blah.
Dearest Taunia,
Clinton's patriotism is not being questioned (although it should be) because she was not seen wearing a flag lapel pin and then stopped wearing one and when asked by a reporter why answered with some snarky one liner about America not being a good country not worth being patriotic about.
Obama has said those things.
Last night's "debate" was ridiculously biased. Really? How so? Why can't white reporters ask a black candidate probing questions without being called unfair or racist or worse? He is applying for the toughest job in the world shouldn't we ask him SAT level questions?
Dear Dr. Roy,
Clinton's patriotism isn't called into question because she doesn't have the word "Hussein" in her name. It isn't called into question because no one has played tried playing the "black guy terrorist with an arab middle name" scare tactic card for her. And please, could you directly quote, or find an article that directly quotes Obama's snarky one liner about America not being a good country not worth being patriotic about.Obama has said those things."? Because I pay very close attention to Obama's campaign and speeches AND the rumors spread in the scare tactic campaigns. I've never heard Obama utter those words. Have you? Or is that something you heard secondhand?
"shouldn't we ask him SAT level questions?" Pardon my sarcasm, but you CANNOT be serious! SAT level questions? We sat through 45 minutes of unrelated and ridiculous badgering before any mention of actual, important questions about the economy, foreign policy, etc.
Are you seriously telling me that you think Clinton was put through the ringer as equally as Obama? It was insulting, wasteful, and worst of all made Gibson and Stephonopoulas look like reporters for a trashy gossip rag.
The "debate" insulted every voter's intelligence, wasted everyone's time, and through attacks aimed at Obama left Clinton looking amazingly well only because she wasn't put on the defensive all evening. They lobbed softballs at her while Obama got hit by grenades.
And remarkably, even Clinton herself stated that Obama would make a good president.
I'm TIRED of old-school politics, old-school trash-campaining. Obama has inspired me to be part of the solution - to be part of a United country. I have no idea why people want to take away inspiration and hope when it's coupled with sound judgement and firm resolve to do what's best for this country.
Thanks for your comments. :)
Dearest Friend Taunia,
No I can't provide a link for you right now about Obama's comment (I am at work right now). I did hear it and will provide it to you sometime tomorrow. At any rate,although only a minor distraction,this flag lapel thing still sticks in my craw. Here is a man who wants the top job we have to offer,President of the United States. Yet he seems to have a problem with wearing a tiny little symbol of the country he wants to be leader of? IS it just me or does that seem a little out of wack? What would you and your fellow travellers say to McCain if he(God forbid) refused to wear the AIDS ribbon?
Back to the debate. Just for arguments sake I will agree with you Obama suffered through 45minutes of unrelated and ridiculous badgering before any "important" questions were asked of him. So what? Be a man answer the questions and move on. Again Obama is not asking us to let him be President of the home coming committee but President of the United States. You don't think the Chinese or the Russians are going to be tough and unfair with him?
Your last comment about old school politics truly made me smile. Do you know anything about Obama's past? This is a man who was created by the same Chicago machine politics that created such advanced thinkers as the first Mayor Daley(look up Democrat Convention 1968). This man "is" old school politics. Old school trash campaigning was almost invented by these guys. I certainly don't want to take away any inspiration or hope or that "oh so fresh summers eve" feeling" that Obama gives you but for pitys sake base it on something more tangible than he sure looks good in a suit and reads, what his speech writers create, very well. For example,I have one week to go before I graduate from my local college RN program and I did a very detailed presentation on what we can expect from Clinton,Obama or McCain in the area of health care reform. I read in-depth on all three and I can say with little fear of correction that if Obama gets into office and his health care reform gets the go your gastric-bypass procedure that you recently had done will be far far far more difficult to get than what you went through if it will be available at all.
Listen don't get me wrong I don't think much of any of the candidates I keep saying is this the best our country can do in providing us with these three choices. But I truly think that Obama would be bad for our country he is very far to the left in his political viewpoint. He is underexperienced in my opinion (so is Hillary) and most importantly I am always suspicious of overly popular movements or people (i.e.Brittney Spears,American Idol,Disco).
And just for the record didn't Obama say Clinton would make a good president?
Take care and be well
Whoo boy, I don't even know where to being with this. The lack of factual evidence? The sexist remarks? The insults on my intelligence?
Listen, you are entitled to your opinion, but if you want it to have any credibility, I suggest you take a different approach other than the condescending and insulting one you've taken here.
Again, you're flinging around statements with no factual content.
The fact that you're reaching back to 1968 for a connection to bad politics and Obama speaks volumes. Just because he KNOWS someone or even if he had a connection to them in some way because of his location DOESN'T MEAN that his politics are the same as theirs. That's LUDICROUS....never mind the fact that it's speculative.
I'd be very curious to see this presentation you made, complete with identifiable factual content. Blanket statements don't really fly with me, especially if I disagree. :)
"and most importantly I am always suspicious of overly popular movements or people (i.e.Brittney Spears,American Idol,Disco)."
What about popular movements for people like Martin Luther King? JFK? Funny that you'd lump Obama in with "pop culture" rather than with leadership.
Something tells me it's not his politics you rail against.
Dearest Friend Taunia,
"Something tells me it's not his politics you rail against."
Talk about flinging around statements with no factual content. You do not know me, you do not know who I am, you don't even know if I am black or white so please shove the thinly veiled rascist accusation back where it came from. As it happens one of my two beloved adopted children is not *gasp* caucasin....apology accepted.
Whats wrong with the "blanket statements" I made? While I agree that blanket statements can be lazy thinking Brittney Spears, American Idol, and Disco all fit together nicely in the blanket statement labeled "Drek." In my humble opinion of course.
Take care and now is the time to use heat for surgical wound healing/pain relief.
"Talk about flinging around statements with no factual content. You do not know me, you do not know who I am, you don't even know if I am black or white so please shove the thinly veiled rascist accusation back where it came from. As it happens one of my two beloved adopted children is not *gasp* caucasin....apology accepted."
I wasn't applying racism, I was implying resistance to change and railing against popular movements.
Additionally, unlike your comments, I did not state what I said as fact. I said, "something tells me."
However, I'm still waiting for the factual content to back up your statements.