Monday, March 17, 2008
My friend A keeps reminding me that everything happens the way it's supposed to, and things always work out for the best.Right after my post last Friday, I got a phone call from the hospital. I had been waiting in anticipation to hear about my insurance. They're pretty infamous for delaying and outright denying surgery requests, but somehow all the stars aligned and they approved me - no questions asked. Hallelujah! Tony, the nurse coordinator who I just love, love, love, scheduled me for surgery for Wednesday, April 2nd. That gives me about two weeks to get myself prepared mentally and physically.
Part of me wishes it was RIGHT NOW so I don't have to think about it. As positive as I am about this surgery and the outcome it's going to have on my health, I can't help but have negative thoughts trouncing through there as well: "Am I going to die?" "Am I going to get a blood clot?" "Am I going to get a stricture?" "Am I going to be vomiting for the rest of my life?" All of those things are possible, but unlikely. What's more likely is that the quality of my life is going to dramatically improve in every way. I have to just keep my eye on the prize and try to block out the nerves.
What's also amazing is the level of support that I'm getting. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is so, so supportive. For instance, J, one of my poker buddies sent me an email saying he was going to send a card and flowers and that if I was up for it, he'd stop by and see me. I mean, we're friends, but really just through poker, and he's so supportive. Everyone is supporting me the same way - I know everyone's rooting for me and wishing me the best, and everyone let's me talk through it anytime I want. (Especially A, C, and S and my parents, of course - thanks guys!)
It's so much easier getting through this with that kind of support, friendship, and love. I don't have a significant other to really bond with over this, but I do have the most amazing support system anyone could ever ask for.
So look out, y'all. I am going to be FIERCE. I'm going to ride my bike all over town, I'm going to dance, I'm going to run, I'm going to be FREE of this weight. And I CAN. NOT. WAIT!
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And bellydancing... Don't forget the bellydancing!
You're going to be great, and we're going to be right there with you. Onward and upward, Baby!
Congratulations on getting your date!!! I know how excited you are about this. I also remember the ambivalence before surgery. I would be worried if you didn't have them.
I'm looking forward to watching you as you progress.