Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Ok, back in the 80s and early 90s, I LOVED me some Pat Benatar. I knew all her songs and thought she kicked some serious vocal ass. I still do. So when I got an email from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium announcing her upcoming concert, I was super-excited. Even more excited that they were having a contest for front row tickets and a pre-show meet and greet with her.
Cyn and I both entered, and on Sat, 2/2, we'll be singing our favorite Pat Benatar karaoke songs in front of a live audience at the Lowell Brewery Exchange. Cyn is in round 1 and I'm in round 2. There's 30 semi-finalists, and from there, they select 7 finalists to go the final round on Sat 2/9 at the Lowell Winterfest.
So, if you're not doing anything, come on out and have some of Lowell's finest brew and cheer me and Miss C on, would ya? ROCK!
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