Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy 2008!Did you all do something fun and exciting? Not me. I spent my last fat-girl NYE plopped in my chair with my dogs watching movies, and I was totally fine with that.
My only resolution for 2008 is to stop swearing as much as I do. Oh, and to start a revolution.
I watched Michael Moore's SICKO. While I do agree that Michael Moore's style can be more propagandist than factual/impartial at times, I was profoundly disturbed by this movie. And we all SHOULD be disturbed by our health care system. Disturbed enough that I want to grab a torch and storm Capital Hill.
We're the richest country in the world, and yet we have nearly 50 million Americans without health insurance. And for those who are lucky enough to have it, there's still a hella lot of red tape, rejection, and out of pocket expenses to pay. One of the most powerful quotes of the film was from former British Labour MP and Cabinet Minister Tony Benn. Benn said, "If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people." AMEN.
Canada, Britain, France, and GASP! CUBA all have universal FREE HEALTH CARE for all their citizens. When Moore interviewed some of the citizens of France, they said, "here, the government is afraid of the people. In the US, the people are afraid of the government." (paraphrasing) In France, they revolt over EVERYTHING. And it gets them what they want. Why is our government not doing the same for us? WE NEED A REVOLUTION.
Grab a torch and come with me, people. No one in this country should be turned away from getting the care they need. It won't happen overnight, but it NEEDS to happen. For ideas on what YOU can do:
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