Thursday, December 13, 2007


Today I had an appt with one of my gazillion doctors. I considered cancelling because of the snow, but I figured it would only be a light flurry (because it's always sensationalized on the news) and that I'd be ok. My appointment was at 1:30. I left at 12:00 - just in case. I got there at 2:00. TWO O'CLOCK!! Luckily, he still took me.

The bad news was that my test results were in. I've got gallstones. I've been feeling nauseous lately and had some stomach issues, and now I know the culprit. Bad news: my gallbladder has to come out. Good news: they'll take it out the same time they do the gastric bypass. I just want to say to them, "when you're in there, just take anything I won't need in the next 40 years or so out. Just check under the hood and clean me up, eh?"

I left the hospital at 3:15. And when I tell you this, I am NOT exaggerating. I did not get home until 8:15pm. It took me FIVE HOURS to get home from Boston. FIVE HOURS. Right now, I'm pretty ripshit at mother nature. Driving a clutch at 5 miles an hour for FIVE HOURS is not my idea of fun. On top of that, I had only eaten at 8:30 am that morning, so I was STARVING and very, very thirsty. That drive sucked ass. But there was a silver lining...

My next door neighbor Rob has a plow. While I was out, he plowed my driveway for me. I gave him a ring when I got home and thanked him a million times and told him about being stuck in traffic and how he could never know how very much I appreciated what he did. And if that wasn't enough, just now...at 10:40pm, I heard something outside. He was out there SHOVELING MY WALKWAYS - FRONT AND BACK, and then he re-plowed my driveway for me again. I opened the door and told him he was WAY too nice and he was just the best neighbor ever. I just couldn't believe how incredibly kind that was...and he never expects anything in return. He's just a nice guy.

What he doesn't know is that in the morning, I go over and plow and shovel my uncle and aunt's (they're older and I don't want them doing it). I would have had to do their house AND my house, so he just saved me a TON of work in the snow tomorrow. God bless him. Seriously.

So now I must bake him a cake or something to thank him for being so awesome. What a change from the loft, huh? I have the best neighbors EVER.

Posted by Taunia @ 7:42 PM