Saturday, December 08, 2007


Tonight was our friend Charlie's annual holiday party, and we all decided to do it up and dress to the nines. I bought a cute knee-length black dress and wore heels for the first time in about 6 months. (OW! My feet and knees!) I decided to try something a little different with my makeup and hair after I had found this adorable gal on www.youtube.com:

She's a 25 year old singer-songwriter and makeup artist in Australia, and she's just cute as a button. Even better, she has some seriously great videos on how to create different looks with makeup. They're easy to understand and fun! I decided to do the "Pin-Up Girl" makeup and make my hair super curly. Here's the final product:

Of course, I did both my hair and makeup at 7:00, and it's now 2:00am after I've just gotten home from the party. In any case, I didn't use the makeup she used or I would have spent a small fortune at M.A.C. Instead, I bought the cheaper drugstore makeup and I think it really makes a difference. Nothing special about my makeup here. Boo.

But I gotta say, I think my hair looks hella cute....and I did that all on my own! lol And now, I must go to sleep and when I wake up, it should look pretty horrific. You won't get to see that picture. :)

Posted by Taunia @ 11:06 PM

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Is it wrong to say that you looked totally cute?? Even at 2am, you're rockin' it.

Great video. Can't wait for my transformation. ;)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 10:40 AM #

HAHA! I really do crack myself up. Even this morning, I looked in the mirror and said, "At 8:00 am, is it wrong to say that I STILL look totally cute?"

I have not showed today and I have some seriously big hair!

Check out the rest of her videos, and let me know which one you want to do. I think the pinup girl look on you would be so cute!

Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 12:22 PM #


Posted by Blogger Unknown @ 12:22 PM #

oops...forgot to mention, you can search her videos on youtube using askmemakeup

Posted by Blogger Taunia @ 5:38 PM #

We should all be lucky enough to be inspired to ask that question when we look in the mirror! (Is that so wrong?!)

I checked out the pin-up video and will look through the rest this week. I have the Stila Kitten eyeshadow she mentioned, so I think we're off to a good start already! Yahooo Kitty!

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 7:11 PM #

You looked great and I'm sure that you still do! :-)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 7:31 AM #

Aww, thanks Jen! I'm dying to try out all the makeup looks on my friends. Bring that face over here! lol

Posted by Blogger Diva Taunia @ 8:46 AM #
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