Monday, October 15, 2007


Ok, I hated the Phantom of the Opera movie and found Emmy Rossum to be incredibly annoying. For some reason when I see her in magazines and gossip blogs (because I'm always devoting my extra-curricular reading time to world issues and important blogs like Go Fug Yourself), she makes my skin crawl a little. It's completely irrational, I know. And that's why it pains me to show you this:

First of all, I would kill for that hair...and she looks incredibly gorgeous in this. But of course, they remind you of how pretty she is by making the whole video just close-up shots of her. And I'm right back at being annoyed.

Anyhow, I LOVE this song. And yes, the comments are right - this is totally an Imogen Heap rip-off. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote it. But man, I love it. And it pains me to say that because memories of her warbling in Phantom of the Opera keep popping up in my head, but I do. It's purdy and etheral and of course, all a cappella.

Which of course means that every bad a cappella group in the world will be covering it. And then I can go back to being annoyed by her. And bad a cappella.

Posted by Taunia @ 11:24 AM