Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Every day, a bunch of kids walk through my yard. It pisses me off. I know it shouldn't, but it does. I just thought about when I was a kid, and it was just sort of this unwritten rule that you don't walk through folk's yards. All the kids on the street abode by that rule, so it's weird to see kids traipsing through. Even weirder is that the moms and dads do it too. They cut through my yard to get to my street. The whole lot of them.

I started thinking about it and it doesn't really bother me that they cut through the yard. What bothers me is that I'll be right there in the window, or on the porch, or looking out the door and they look RIGHT AT ME and don't smile, don't say hello, don't wave. Nothing. Just this sort of bad-ass look like, "Yeah? I'm cutting through your yard. You got a problem? FUCK OFF." I mean, if you're going to cut through my yard, you could at least be fucking neighborly and smile or some shit like that.

Yesterday a kid tried to walk back there and Julip was out there and scared the begeezus out of him. He ran back out and found another yard. lol

Anyhow, is this NORMAL? I mean, do people in houses just cut through each other's yards and shit? Maybe it's been so long since I've lived in a house that I just can't remember?

Posted by Taunia @ 12:04 PM