Tuesday, August 14, 2007
And completely unrelated, this conversation made me laugh today:
m.bilotta: yeah - hey I am reading a good book now you might like to put on your future list
"the lovely Bones."
me: what is it?
i heard about that
someone else told me that was really good
m.bilotta: it's interesting and Peter Jackson is doing a film of it for next year
me: that should be interesting. i'll have to read it
me: i was telling cynthia that i needed to order more books and that amazon was taking to long to deliver them to me and she said, "uh...why don't you try going to the LIBRARY."
m.bilotta: what is THAT??
me: i cannot even tell you the last time i went to a library.
m.bilotta: been at least 15 years for me!
me: so now i'm on a mission to get over this week and get a card
m.bilotta: wow - what a concept!
me: but that's sort of a pain in the ass, because then i have to RETURN THEM
m.bilotta: and you can't spill food on them
m.bilotta: lol
me: i wish the library was like netflix
me: could throw them in my mailbox and someone would bring them back for me
m.bilotta: I bet they'll be gone within 20 years
me: i bet less than that
m.bilotta: once everyone has computer access
me: that's sad though
me: i loved the library when i was a kid
m.bilotta: me too
we had a fun one
me: i was the nerd that would come out with two bags full o' books
m.bilotta: I used to look at naked Greek men in vases
me: national geographic, baby. naked people all over those.
lots of floppy boobs
m.bilotta: cucumber tits!
me: they're not big on bras in third world countries. i might be going to hell for saying that.
lol....you know i have to post this conversation on my blog, right?
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Oh, and I hope your tootsie's feelin' better soon, Dancing Queen!