Saturday, August 11, 2007
I've got some bitching to do today:*My foot is killing me. I think I've mentioned this before, but I sleepwalk sometimes (have since I was a kid), and I think sometimes at night I bump into things and don't even know it until the next day. This is the second time I've done something to my right foot and I cannot even stand on it today. It's huge and poofy and looks like a blue sausage, and it's frickin KILLING ME.
*WHY do stores INSIST on putting the price tag of framed photos and artwork ON THE GLASS??!? This drives me batshit. I just bought three framed photos for my dining room walls, and all three of them had me scraping that shit off with a knife and scrubbing. It makes absolutely NO sense to me. Put it on the BACK...where there's usually fuzzy shit that it will easily peel off of. CRIPES!
*PMS strikes again. I lost -1.2 lbs this past Wednesday bringing me down a totaly of 9.2 lbs. Today, I woke up all bloated (feeling very sausage-y like my foot) and up 5 lbs. FUCK.
*Please. Everyone. Do NOT invite me to a wedding again until I have a boyfriend. It's just a painful reminder that I don't have anyone to go with.
*Last night we played poker at my place and I lost about $120. I had fun, but still, losing sucks.
*Also at poker was the guy I have a crushy-crush on. A while back, I asked him out (via email because I'm a lame-ass like that, and because I don't have his #), and he said yes, but "as friends," to which I politely declined because I have enough friends. I thought I was over it and him and found out last night that I'm not. I think I played it cool, but there was another girl there who was obviously interested in him, and though she was nice, she was pretty much a big geek/nerd. But she's thin, so she wins. They stayed outside my house talking for about 30 mins after the game, and that just broke my heart.
Now I'm stuck inside for the weekend because I can't walk and I'm bored out of my skull. And I've got nothing to do but feel sorry for myself. And tell you about it.
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