Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I fought it for a long time, I swear I did. But now that I'm on there, I'm completely p-whipped by Facebook. I am Facebook's bitch. Every moment of the day that I'm not doing something important (which is like, 23 hours of each day), I'm on there looking for new notifications, new applications, and to see what my friends are doing RIGHT NOW THIS VERY SECOND.

Some other shit that's happening:

-Ben is leaving to go to Stanford Law. I'm still in denial, but we had an awesome night of dancing this past Saturday and while I'm sad to see him go, I'm proud of my pal.

-I'm learning guitar. You know what no one tells you about learning guitar? It fucking HURTS!! Seriously, I know all of three chords and I look like an old arthritic grandma when I'm done playing.

-I'm in the process of writing a musical/comedy/cabaret show of all original music. This is a HUGE undertaking and something completely different for me, but I really want to challenge myself. Now that VFP is taking a bit of time off with Ben's departure, I'm going to use that time wisely and seriously write. I'm excited about this. I haven't been this excited about music in a long time. It's in it's beginning storyline stages, but I'll keep you posted if anything interesting develops. I just hope I don't suck.

-Speaking of sucking, I rejoined Weight Watchers last Wednesday for about the 3000th time. I was a gigantic hippo during July eating everything that wasn't bolted down. That behavior has stopped and I'm now back to eating well and taking care of myself. Of course, if you're on Facebook, you can get an update about what I'm eating every 5 seconds or so.


Posted by Taunia @ 7:47 PM